La classe Primitive

Horizontale.gif (2348 octets)

Classe de base pour tous les objets primitives graphiques.


Primitive(): Crée un objet Primitive.


Valeur rendue

Nom et paramètres

protected void cacheGeometry(int kind, float a, float b, float c, int d, int e, int flags, GeomBuffer geo)
Appearance getAppearance():Gets the appearance of the primitive (defaults to first subpart).
GeomBuffer getCachedGeometry(int kind, float a, float b, float c, int d, int e, int flags):
int getNumTriangles(): Returns total number of triangles in this primitive.
int getNumVertices(): Returns total number of vertices in this primitive.
int getPrimitiveFlags(): Returns the flags of primitive (generate normal, textures, caching, etc).
abstract Shape3D getShape(int partid): Obtains a shape node of a subpart of the primitive.
void setAppearance(): Sets the main appearance of the primitive (all subparts) to a default white appearance.
abstract void setAppearance(Appearance ap): Sets the main appearance of the primitive (all subparts) to same appearance.
void setAppearance(int partid, Appearance ap): Sets the appearance of a subpart given a partid.
void setNumTriangles(int num): Sets the total number of triangles in this primitive.
void setNumVertices(int num): Sets total number of vertices in this primitive.
void setPrimitiveFlags(int fl): Deprecated. The primitive flags must be set at construction time via one of the subclass constructors.




static int ENABLE_APPEARANCE_MODIFY: Specifies that the ALLOW_APPEARANCE_READ and ALLOW_APPEARANCE_WRITE bits are to be set on the generated geometry's Shape3D nodes.
static int ENABLE_GEOMETRY_PICKING: Specifies that the ALLOW_INTERSECT capability bit should be set on the generated geometry.
static int GENERATE_NORMALS: Specifies that normals are generated along with the positions.
static int GENERATE_NORMALS_INWARD: Specifies that normals are to be flipped along the surface.
static int GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS: Specifies that texture coordinates are generated along with the positions.
static int GEOMETRY_NOT_SHARED: Specifies that the geometry being created will not be shared by another scene graph node.

Les classes filles de Primitive sont:
