Renderman (Partie 1) |
Interface de description de scènes 3-D introduite par PIXAR pour être utilisée en synthèse d'images. Permet la modélisation d'objets, de scènes, de lumières et de caméras. Permet la modélisation de l'apparence de ces objets. Utilisé au cinéma dans le domaine des films d'animation (Tin Toy, Toy Storie, 1001 Pattes) et des effets spéciaux (Abyss). Fonctionnalités
Syntaxe Bibliothèque C classique Toutes les fonctions commencent par Ri. Exemple 1 /* Copyright Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> RtPoint Sq[4] = {{ .5, .5,.5},{ .5,-.5,.5}, {-.5,-.5,.5},{-.5, .5,.5}}; void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("constant",RI_NULL); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) Sq,RI_NULL); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); }
Deux types de fonctions :
La liste variable est composée d'une suite de couples (Token,param). Token indique le type de param à la fonction. Un RI_NULL marque la fin de la liste de paramètres. Exemple RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) Square, RI_NULL); Les fonctions affectant les objets doivent être exécutées avant la déclaration des objets. Renderman gère un environnement d'attributs appliqués aux objets. Cet environnement est initialisé avec des valeurs par défaut. Définition des types courants
Types prédéfinis
Exemple 2 /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> RtPoint Square[4] = { { .5, .5,0},{ .5,-.5,0}, {-.5,-.5,0},{-.5, .5,0} }; static RtColor Color = { .2, .4, .6 }; void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RiProjection("perspective",RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0,0.0,1.0); RiRotate(40.0,-1.0,1.0,0.0); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); RiColor(Color); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) Square, RI_NULL); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); }
Exemple 3 : Un cube Ces deux fonctions produisent le même objet: un cube de coté de taille 1. /* Copyright Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #define L -.5 #define R .5 #define D -.5 #define U .5 #define F .5 #define N -.5 void UnitCube(void) { static RtPoint Cube[6][4] = { { {L,D,F},{L,D,N},{R,D,N},{R,D,F} }, { {L,D,F},{L,U,F},{L,U,N},{L,D,N} }, { {R,U,N},{L,U,N},{L,U,F},{R,U,F} }, { {R,U,N},{R,U,F},{R,D,F},{R,D,N} }, { {R,D,F},{R,U,F},{L,U,F},{L,D,F} }, { {L,U,N},{R,U,N},{R,D,N},{L,D,N} } }; int i; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) Cube[i], RI_NULL); } /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> void UnitCube(void) { static RtPoint square[4] = { {.5, .5 ,.5},{-.5, .5,.5}, {-.5,-.5,.5},{.5 ,-.5,.5} }; RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); RiRotate(90.0,0.0,1.0,0.0); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); RiRotate(90.0,0.0,1.0,0.0); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); RiRotate(90.0,0.0,1.0,0.0); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); RiRotate(90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); RiRotate(180.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) square,RI_NULL); } Exemple 4 : Une animation /* Copyright Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NFRAMES 10 #define NCUBES 5 #define FRAMEROT 5.0F #define L -.5 #define R .5 #define D -.5 #define U .5 #define F .5 #define N -.5 void UnitCube(void) { static RtPoint Cube[6][4] = { { {L,D,F},{L,D,N},{R,D,N},{R,D,F} }, { {L,D,F},{L,U,F},{L,U,N},{L,D,N} }, { {R,U,N},{L,U,N},{L,U,F},{R,U,F} }, { {R,U,N},{R,U,F},{R,D,F},{R,D,N} }, { {R,D,F},{R,U,F},{L,U,F},{L,D,F} }, { {L,U,N},{R,U,N},{R,D,N},{L,D,N} } }; for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) RiPolygon((RtInt) 4,RI_P, (RtPointer) Cube[i], RI_NULL); } void ColorCube(int n,float s) { int x, y, z; RtColor cl; if( n<=0 ) return; RiAttributeBegin(); RiTranslate(-.5,-.5,-.5); RiScale(1.0F/n,1.0F/n,1.0F/n); for( x = 0 ; x < n ; x++ ) for( y = 0 ; y < n ; y++ ) for( z = 0 ; z < n ; z++ ) { cl[0] = ((float) x+1)/((float) n); cl[1] = ((float) y+1)/((float) n); cl[2] = ((float) z+1)/((float) n); RiColor(cl); RiTransformBegin(); RiTranslate(x+.5F,y+.5F,z+.5F); RiScale(s,s,s); UnitCube(); RiTransformEnd(); } RiAttributeEnd(); } void main(void) { RtInt fr; float scale; char filename[20]; RiBegin(RI_NULL); for ( fr = 1 ; fr <= NFRAMES ; fr++ ) { sprintf(filename,"anim.%d.tiff",fr); RiFrameBegin(fr); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RiProjection("perspective",RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0,0.0,1.5); RiRotate(40.0,-1.0,1.0,0.0); RiDisplay(filename,RI_FILE, RI_RGBA,RI_NULL); RiFormat((RtInt) 256,(RtInt) 192,-1.0); RiShadingRate(1.0); RiWorldBegin(); RiSides((RtInt) 1); scale =(float)(NFRAMES-(fr-1))/NFRAMES; RiRotate(FRAMEROT*fr,0.0,0.0,1.0); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); ColorCube(NCUBES,scale); RiWorldEnd(); RiFrameEnd(); } RiEnd(); }
Les primitives graphiques Les surfaces quadriques Sphère, cône, cylindre, hyperboloïde, paraboloïde et tore
Toutes les quadriques sont des surfaces de révolution autour de l'axe z -> utilisation d'un angle pour indiquer la portée de cette rotation (si angle différent de 360° -> surface non fermée). Attention!!! Ces quadriques sont des surfaces et non des volumes. Exemple RiSphere(rayon,zmin,zmax,theta,parameterlist) RtFloat rayon RtFloat zmin,zmax RtFloat theta Génère une sphère de rayon rayon sur theta degrés, centrée sur l'origine, tronquée à z = zmin, et z = zmax. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #define OFFSET 1.2 void ShowQuads(void) { RtPoint hyperpt1, hyperpt2; RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiTranslate(-OFFSET,0.0,(OFFSET/2)); RiSphere(0.5,-0.5,0.5,360.0,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(OFFSET,0.0,0.0); RiTranslate(0.0,0.0,-0.5); RiCone(1.0,0.5,360.0,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0,0.0,0.5); RiTranslate(OFFSET,0.0,0.0); RiCylinder(0.5,-0.5,0.5,360.0,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(-(OFFSET*2),0.0,-OFFSET); hyperpt1[0] = 0.4; hyperpt1[1] = -0.4; hyperpt1[2] = -0.4; hyperpt2[0] = 0.4; hyperpt2[1] = 0.4; hyperpt2[2] = 0.4; RiHyperboloid(hyperpt1,hyperpt2, 360.0,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(OFFSET, 0.0, -0.5); RiParaboloid(0.5,0.0,0.9,360.0,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(OFFSET,0.0,0.5); RiTorus(.4,.15,0.0,360.0,360.0,RI_NULL); } Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ /* From the RenderMan Companion */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { RtFloat x,y;} Point2D; #define NPOINTS 16 RtColor color = {.9F,.9F,.5F}; Point2D points[NPOINTS] = { {1.5000F,.0000F}, {1.4600F,.0900F}, {1.3500F,.1273F}, {1.2625F,.1203F}, {1.1750F,.1047F}, {1.0875F,.0935F}, {1.0000F,.0899F}, {0.9375F,.0982F}, {0.8625F,.1236F}, {0.7250F,.1851F}, {0.5875F,.2281F}, {0.4500F,.2383F}, {0.3375F,.2255F}, {0.2250F,.1953F}, {0.0750F,.1414F}, {0.0000F,.1125F} }; void SurfOR(Point2D *points,int npoints) { int pt; RtPoint point1,point2; RtFloat *pp1,*pp2,*tmp; pp1 = point1; pp2 = point2; pp1[0] = points[0].y; pp1[1] = 0; pp1[2] = points[0].x; for ( pt = 1 ; pt < npoints ; pt++ ) { pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; RiHyperboloid(pp1,pp2,360.0,RI_NULL); tmp = pp1; pp1 = pp2; pp2 = tmp; } } void Go(void) { RiColor(color); RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiScale(2.5,2.5,2.5); SurfOR(points,NPOINTS); } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(300,450,1.0F); RiDisplay("Quille.tif",RI_FILE, RI_RGB,RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective",RI_FOV, (RtPointer) &fov,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-1.8F,4.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } Quille de bowling créée par assemblage d'hyperboloïdes. Les polygones et les polyèdres Les polygones Polygones 3D de différents types:
Fonctions de génération de polygones : RiPolygon(): Planaire et convexe RiGeneralPolygon(): Quelconque RiPolygon(RtInt n,parameterlist): Génération d'un polygone 3D de sommets le token RI_P permet de passer la liste des sommets. Faute d'autres informations, la normale affectée à chaque sommet est la normale à la facette -> teinte constante. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ /* From the RenderMan Companion */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct { RtFloat x,y;} Point2D; #define NPOINTS 16 RtColor color = {.9F,.9F,.5F}; Point2D points[NPOINTS] = { {1.5000F,.0000F}, {1.4600F,.0900F}, {1.3500F,.1273F}, {1.2625F,.1203F}, {1.1750F,.1047F}, {1.0875F,.0935F}, {1.0000F,.0899F}, {0.9375F,.0982F}, {0.8625F,.1236F}, {0.7250F,.1851F}, {0.5875F,.2281F}, {0.4500F,.2383F}, {0.3375F,.2255F}, {0.2250F,.1953F}, {0.0750F,.1414F}, {0.0000F,.1125F} }; #define PI 3.14159F #define SWAP(a,b,temp) temp = a;a = b;b = temp; #define CP(d,s) {d[0]=s[0];d[1]=s[1];d[2]=s[2];} #define NDIVS 8 void getnextpair(float offset, RtPoint *ptrnp, RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, int ndivs) { float r; r = 2*PI*offset/ndivs; ptrnp[0][0] = point0[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnp[0][1] = point0[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnp[0][2] = point0[2]; r = 2*PI*(offset-.5F)/ndivs; ptrnp[1][0] = point1[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnp[1][1] = point1[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnp[1][2] = point1[2]; } void PolyBoid(RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, int ndivs, int parity) { RtPoint vertexpair0[2]; RtPoint vertexpair1[2]; RtPoint *ptrnp = vertexpair0; RtPoint *ptrlastpair = vertexpair1; RtPoint *temp; RtPoint triangle[3]; getnextpair(0+parity/2.0F,ptrnp, point0,point1,ndivs); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ndivs ; i++ ) { SWAP(ptrlastpair,ptrnp,temp) getnextpair(i+parity/2.0F,ptrnp, point0,point1,ndivs); CP(triangle[0],ptrlastpair[0]); CP(triangle[1],ptrlastpair[1]); CP(triangle[2],ptrnp[1]); RiPolygon((RtInt) 3,RI_P, (RtPointer) triangle,RI_NULL); CP(triangle[0],ptrnp[0]); CP(triangle[1],ptrnp[1]); CP(triangle[2],ptrlastpair[0]); RiPolygon((RtInt) 3,RI_P, (RtPointer) triangle, RI_NULL); } } void PolySurfOR(Point2D *points, int npoints) { int pt; RtPoint point1,point2; RtFloat *pp1,*pp2,*tmp; pp1 = point1; pp2 = point2; pp1[0] = points[0].y; pp1[1] = 0; pp1[2] = points[0].x; for ( pt = 1 ; pt < npoints-1 ; pt++ ) { pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,NDIVS,pt-1); tmp = pp1; pp1 = pp2; pp2 = tmp; } pt = npoints-1; pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,NDIVS,pt-1); } void Go(void) { RiColor(color); RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiScale(2.5,2.5,2.5); PolySurfOR(points,NPOINTS); } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(300,450,1.0F); RiDisplay("Quille.tif", RI_FILE,RI_RGB,RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective",RI_FOV, (RtPointer) &fov,RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-1.8F,4.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } Ce programme fournit une quille de bowling facettisée. Le token RI_N permet de passer la liste des normales associées aux sommets. Cette liste est prise en compte au cours de l'affichage de la facette -> obtention éventuelle d'une teinte non constante. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct { RtFloat x,y;} Point2D; #define NPOINTS 16 RtColor color = {.9F,.9F,.5F}; Point2D points[NPOINTS] = { {1.5000F,.0000F}, {1.4600F,.0900F}, {1.3500F,.1273F}, {1.2625F,.1203F}, {1.1750F,.1047F}, {1.0875F,.0935F}, {1.0000F,.0899F}, {0.9375F,.0982F}, {0.8625F,.1236F}, {0.7250F,.1851F}, {0.5875F,.2281F}, {0.4500F,.2383F}, {0.3375F,.2255F}, {0.2250F,.1953F}, {0.0750F,.1414F}, {0.0000F,.1125F} }; #define PI 3.14159F #define NDIVS 8 #define SWAP(a,b,temp) temp = a;a = b;b = temp; #define CP(d,s) {d[0]=s[0];d[1]=s[1];d[2]=s[2];} void getnextpair(float offset, RtPoint *ptrnp, RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, int ndivs) { float r = 2*PI*offset/ndivs; ptrnp[0][0] = point0[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnp[0][1] = point0[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnp[0][2] = point0[2]; r = 2*PI*(offset-.5F)/ndivs; ptrnp[1][0] = point1[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnp[1][1] = point1[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnp[1][2] = point1[2]; } void PolyBoid(RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, RtFloat *normal0, RtFloat *normal1, int ndivs, int parity) { RtPoint vertexpair0[2]; RtPoint vertexpair1[2]; RtPoint *ptrnextvertex = vertexpair0; RtPoint *ptrlastvertex = vertexpair1; RtPoint *temp; RtPoint vertextriangle[3]; RtPoint normalpair0[2]; RtPoint normalpair1[2]; RtPoint *ptrnextnormal = normalpair0; RtPoint *ptrlastnormal = normalpair1; RtPoint normaltriangle[3]; getnextpair(0+parity/2.0F,ptrnextvertex, point0,point1,ndivs); getnextpair(0+parity/2.0F,ptrnextnormal, normal0,normal1,ndivs); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ndivs ; i++ ) { SWAP(ptrlastvertex,ptrnextvertex,temp) SWAP(ptrlastnormal,ptrnextnormal,temp) getnextpair(i+parity/2.0F,ptrnextvertex, point0,point1,ndivs); getnextpair(i+parity/2.0F,ptrnextnormal, normal0,normal1,ndivs); CP(vertextriangle[0],ptrlastvertex[0]); CP(vertextriangle[1],ptrlastvertex[1]); CP(vertextriangle[2],ptrnextvertex[1]); CP(normaltriangle[0],-ptrlastnormal[0]); CP(normaltriangle[1],-ptrlastnormal[1]); CP(normaltriangle[2],-ptrnextnormal[1]); RiPolygon((RtInt) 3, RI_P,(RtPointer) vertextriangle, RI_N,(RtPointer) normaltriangle, RI_NULL); CP(vertextriangle[0],ptrnextvertex[0]); CP(vertextriangle[1],ptrnextvertex[1]); CP(vertextriangle[2],ptrlastvertex[0]); CP(normaltriangle[0],ptrnextnormal[0]); CP(normaltriangle[1],ptrnextnormal[1]); CP(normaltriangle[2],ptrlastnormal[0]); RiPolygon((RtInt) 3, RI_P,(RtPointer) vertextriangle, RI_N,(RtPointer) normaltriangle, RI_NULL); } } void PolySurfOR(Point2D *points,int npoints) { int pt; RtPoint point1,point2,normal1,normal2; RtFloat *pp1,*pp2,*pm1,*pm2,*tmp; pp1 = point1; pp2 = point2; pm1 = normal1; pm2 = normal2; pp1[0] = points[0].y; pp1[1] = 0; pp1[2] = points[0].x; pm1[0] = points[0].x - points[1].x; pm1[1] = 0; pm1[2] = points[1].y - points[0].y; for ( pt = 1 ; pt < npoints-1 ; pt++ ) { pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; pm2[0] = points[pt-1].x - points[pt+1].x; pm2[1] = 0; pm2[2] = points[pt+1].y - points[pt-1].y; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,pm1,pm2,8,pt-1); tmp = pp1; pp1 = pp2; pp2 = tmp; tmp = pm1; pm1 = pm2; pm2 = tmp; } pt = npoints-1; pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; pm2[0] = points[pt-1].x - points[pt].x; pm2[1] = 0; pm2[2] = points[pt].y - points[pt-1].y; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,pm1,pm2,8,pt-1); } void Go(void) { RiColor(color); RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiScale(2.5,2.5,2.5); PolySurfOR(points,NPOINTS); } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(300,450,1.0F); RiDisplay("Quille.tif", RI_FILE,RI_RGB, RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective", RI_FOV,(RtPointer) &fov, RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-1.8F,4.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } Définition d'un polyèdre à partir d'un ensemble de facettes où les mêmes points n'apparaissent pas plus d'une fois. RiPointsPolygons : définition d'un objet composé de facettes void RiPointsPolygons(RtInt n,RtInt *nv,RtInt *v,paramlist) n : nombre de polygones nv : nombre de sommets de chaque polygone v : liste des indices des sommets des polygones Token : RI_P : Position des sommets RI_N : Normales aux sommets Exemple RiPolygon(4,RI_P,(RtPointer)
p,RI_NULL) ; n est un tableau à 1 élément de valeur 4. verts est un tableau de 4 éléments tels que v[i] = i. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct { RtFloat x,y;} Point2D; #define NPOINTS 16 RtColor color = {.9F,.9F,.5F}; Point2D points[NPOINTS] = { {1.5000F,.0000F}, {1.4600F,.0900F}, {1.3500F,.1273F}, {1.2625F,.1203F}, {1.1750F,.1047F}, {1.0875F,.0935F}, {1.0000F,.0899F}, {0.9375F,.0982F}, {0.8625F,.1236F}, {0.7250F,.1851F}, {0.5875F,.2281F}, {0.4500F,.2383F}, {0.3375F,.2255F}, {0.2250F,.1953F}, {0.0750F,.1414F}, {0.0000F,.1125F} }; #define PI 3.14159F #define NDIVS 8 #define SWAP(a,b,temp) temp = a;a = b;b = temp; #define CP(d,s) {d[0]=s[0];d[1]=s[1];d[2]=s[2];} #define MAXVERTS 100 RtPoint vertexstrip[MAXVERTS][2]; RtPoint normalstrip[MAXVERTS][2]; RtInt nverts[MAXVERTS][2]; RtInt indices[MAXVERTS][2][3]; void getnextpair(float offset, RtPoint *ptrnextpair, RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, int ndivs) { float r; r = 2*PI*offset/ndivs; ptrnextpair[0][0] = point0[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnextpair[0][1] = point0[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnextpair[0][2] = point0[2]; r = 2*PI*(offset-.5F)/ndivs; ptrnextpair[1][0] = point1[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnextpair[1][1] = point1[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnextpair[1][2] = point1[2]; } void getnextpair2(float offset, RtPoint *ptrnextpair, RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, int ndivs) { float r; r = 2*PI*offset/ndivs; ptrnextpair[0][0] = -point0[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnextpair[0][1] = -point0[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnextpair[0][2] = -point0[2]; r = 2*PI*(offset-.5F)/ndivs; ptrnextpair[1][0] = -point1[0]*(float) sin(r); ptrnextpair[1][1] = -point1[0]*(float) cos(r); ptrnextpair[1][2] = -point1[2]; } void PolyBoid(RtFloat *point0, RtFloat *point1, RtFloat *normal0, RtFloat *normal1, int ndivs, int parity) { for ( int i = 0 ; i <= ndivs ; i++ ) { getnextpair(i+parity/2.0F, vertexstrip[i], point0,point1, ndivs); getnextpair2(i+parity/2.0F, normalstrip[i], normal0,normal1, ndivs); } for (i = 0 ; i < ndivs ; i++ ) { nverts[i][0] = nverts[i][1] = 3; indices[i][0][0] = i*2; indices[i][0][1] = i*2+1; indices[i][0][2] = (i+1)*2+1; indices[i][1][0] = (i+1)*2+1; indices[i][1][1] = (i+1)*2; indices[i][1][2] = i*2; } RiPointsPolygons((RtInt) (ndivs*2), (RtInt *) nverts, (RtInt *) indices, RI_P,(RtPointer) vertexstrip, RI_N,(RtPointer) normalstrip, RI_NULL); } void PolySurfOR(Point2D *points,int npoints) { RtPoint point1,point2; RtFloat *pp1,*pp2,*tmp; RtPoint normal1,normal2; RtFloat *pm1,*pm2; pp1 = point1; pp2 = point2; pm1 = normal1; pm2 = normal2; pp1[0] = points[0].y; pp1[1] = 0; pp1[2] = points[0].x; pm1[0] = points[0].x - points[1].x; pm1[1] = 0; pm1[2] = points[1].y - points[0].y; for ( int pt = 1 ; pt < npoints-1 ; pt++ ) { pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; pm2[0] = points[pt-1].x - points[pt+1].x; pm2[1] = 0; pm2[2] = points[pt+1].y - points[pt-1].y; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,pm1,pm2,NDIVS,pt-1); tmp = pp1; pp1 = pp2; pp2 = tmp; tmp = pm1; pm1 = pm2; pm2 = tmp; } pt = npoints-1; pp2[0] = points[pt].y; pp2[1] = 0; pp2[2] = points[pt].x; pm2[0] = points[pt-1].x - points[pt].x; pm2[1] = 0; pm2[2] = points[pt].y - points[pt-1].y; PolyBoid(pp1,pp2,pm1,pm2,NDIVS,pt-1); } void Go(void) { RiColor(color); RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiScale(2.5,2.5,2.5); PolySurfOR(points,NPOINTS); } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(300,450,1.0F); RiDisplay("Quille.tif", RI_FILE,RI_RGB, RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective", RI_FOV,(RtPointer) &fov, RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-1.8F,4.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } Surfaces bilinéaire et bicubiques Deux types de surfaces (patch) paramétriques: - les surfaces bilinéaires -> pas de lissage car créées par interpolation linéaire entre quatre points - Les surfaces paramétriques bicubiques -> lissage à partir d'un vecteur géométrique de 16 points void RiPatch(RtToken type,parameterlist) ; RtToken : RI_BICUBIC ou RI_BILINEAR la parameterlist devra au minimum contenir les sommets définissant le patch:
précédé du token RI_P. La surface d'un patch bicubique est lissée géométriquement mais aussi lissée vis à vis de l'éclairage. -> On n'a plus a fournir de normales. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MV(d,s) {d[0]=s[0];d[1]=s[1];d[2]=s[2];} #define HULL 1 #define X0 -1.0F #define X1 -.33F #define X2 .33F #define X3 1.0F #define Y0 -.7F #define Y1 -.1F #define Y2 0.1F #define Y3 0.7F #define Z0 -1.0F #define Z1 -.33F #define Z2 .33F #define Z3 1.0F void PatchExample(RtPoint Patch[4][4]) { #ifdef PATCH RiPatch(RI_BICUBIC, RI_P,(RtPointer) Patch, RI_NULL); #endif #ifdef HULL RtPoint blpatch[2][2]; for ( int v = 0 ; v < 3 ; v++ ) { for (int u = 0 ; u < 3 ; u++ ) { MV(blpatch[0][0],Patch[v][u]) MV(blpatch[0][1],Patch[v][u+1]) MV(blpatch[1][0],Patch[v+1][u]) MV(blpatch[1][1],Patch[v+1][u+1]) RiPatch(RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, (RtPointer) blpatch, RI_NULL); } } #endif } void DoCatmullRomPatch(RtPoint patch[4][4]) { RiBasis(RiCatmullRomBasis,RI_CATMULLROMSTEP, RiCatmullRomBasis,RI_CATMULLROMSTEP); RiPatch(RI_BICUBIC, RI_P,(RtPointer) patch, RI_NULL); } void Go(void) { staticRtPointPatch[4][4]={ {{X0,Y0,Z0},{X1,Y2,Z0}, {X2,Y1,Z0},{X3,Y3,Z0}}, {{X0,Y1,Z1},{X1,Y2,Z1}, {X2,Y1,Z1},{X3,Y2,Z1}}, {{X0,Y1,Z2},{X1,Y2,Z2}, {X2,Y1,Z2},{X3,Y2,Z2}}, {{X0,Y0,Z3},{X1,Y2,Z3}, {X2,Y1,Z3},{X3,Y3,Z3}}}; #ifdef CATMULLROM DoCatmullRomPatch(Patch); #else PatchExample(Patch); #endif } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(450,300,1.0F); RiDisplay("Bicubique.tif", RI_FILE,RI_RGB, RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective", RI_FOV,(RtPointer) &fov, RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-0.2F,3.0F); RiRotate(30.0F,1.0F,0.0F,0.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } Plusieurs surfaces bicubiques sont utilisables :
tant pour le premier axe que pour le second. La fonction RiBasis() permet la sélection des matrices de base désirées. void RiBasis(RtBasis ub,RtInt us,RtBasis vb,RtInt vs);
Exemple void DoCatmullRomPatch(RtPoint
patch[4][4]) { But : Modélisation d'un objet sous la forme d'un maillage quadrangulaire permettant l'obtention d'une surface lissée par dessin de patchs les uns à coté des autres dans les deux directions. void RiPatchMesh(RtToken t,RtInt nu,RtToken uw,RtInt nv,RtToken vw,parameterlist);
La périodicité permet de représenter des objets fermés sans que la fermeture soit visible par une rupture de l'éclairage. Exemple /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */ /* From the RenderMan Companion */ #include <ri.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { RtFloat x,y;} Point2D; #define NPOINTS 10 Point2D points[NPOINTS] = { {.0000F,1.5000F}, {.0703F,1.5000F}, {.1273F,1.4293F}, {.1273F,1.3727F}, {.1273F,1.2300F}, {.0899F,1.1600F}, {.0899F,1.0000F}, {.0899F,0.7500F}, {.4100F,0.6780F}, {.1250F,0.0000F}}; #define NU 13 #define MAXNPTS 100 #define F .5522847F float coeff[NU][2] = { { 1.0F,0.0F },{ 1.0F,F }, { F,1.0F },{ 0,1.0F }, {-F,1.0F },{-1.0F,F }, {-1.0F,0.0F },{-1.0F,-F }, {-F,-1.0F },{ 0,-1.0F }, { F,-1.0F },{ 1.0F,-F },{ 1.0F,0} }; RtPoint mesh[MAXNPTS][NU]; RtColor color = {.9F,.9F,.5F}; void SurfOR(Point2D points[],int npoints) { for ( int v = 0 ; v < npoints ; v++) { for ( int u = 0 ; u < NU ; u++ ) { mesh[v][u][0] = points[v].x*coeff[u][0]; mesh[v][u][1] = points[v].x*coeff[u][1]; mesh[v][u][2] = points[v].y; } } RiBasis(RiBezierBasis, RI_BEZIERSTEP, RiBezierBasis, RI_BEZIERSTEP); RiPatchMesh(RI_BICUBIC, (RtInt) NU,RI_NONPERIODIC, (RtInt) npoints,RI_NONPERIODIC, RI_P,(RtPointer) mesh, RI_NULL); } void Go(void) { RiColor(color); RiRotate(-90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); RiScale(2.5,2.5,2.5); SurfOR(points,NPOINTS); } void main(void) { RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiFormat(300,450,1.0F); RiDisplay("Quille.tif", RI_FILE,RI_RGB, RI_NULL); RiLightSource("distantlight",RI_NULL); RtFloat fov = 45.0F ; RiProjection("perspective", RI_FOV,(RtPointer) &fov, RI_NULL); RiTranslate(0.0F,-1.8F,4.0F); RiWorldBegin(); RiSurface("matte",RI_NULL); Go(); RiWorldEnd(); RiEnd(); } |